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Saab in 斯洛伐克

Innovative and collaborative partner

Saab serves the global market with world-leading products, services and solutions within military defence and civil security. Saab has operations and employees on all continents around the world. Through innovative, collaborative and pragmatic thinking, 亚洲体育博彩平台的发展, adopts and improves new technology to meet customers’ changing needs.
9空气C4I interface


9空气C4I能够灵活有效地操作和完全控制武器系统, sensors and communications. 它是可扩展的和完全灵活的,提供控制个人任务和行动. 它提供了态势感知和通信,运营商需要做出正确的决策,并快速有效地解决情况.



Delivering overmatch capability for the modern battlefield. 我们的地面发射小直径炸弹(GLSDB)是一种远程精确弹药,满足武装部队不断发展的需求. GLSDB提供了最高的灵活性,并补充了现有的弹道武器, 以经过验证和成功的小直径炸弹增量(SDB I)和多管火箭发射系统火箭为基础. SDB是一种250磅级武器,配备先进的抗干扰GPS系统辅助惯性导航系统, combined with a multipurpose, 穿透式爆破破片弹头和可编程电子引信.


GLSDB delivers on the needs of today

在今天的现代战争中,装备精良的火炮的重要性已经发挥了作用. 敌方无人机正在将炮兵部署区域进一步推后,这意味着对射程更远的炮兵的需求增加了. 火炮的射程是高成本的驱动因素,在这个阶段,军队有很大的漏洞需要填补, cost effectiveness is key. GLSDB是目前射程与成本比最高的导弹系统. GLSDB具有150公里的射程,使军队能够以1米的精度打击高收益目标,深入敌方领土,成本低于所有其他系统.




多域战场对军队的军队、人民和国家安全构成重大挑战. In order to ensure the security of people and societies in the future, technological and intellectual boundaries must be overcome. 因此,亚洲体育博彩平台的专家们不断分析过去和现在的军事事件,并将它们与全球趋势联系起来,为未来汲取教训. 几十年来,他们的预测一直是发展工作的核心,并为确保世界各地的部队今天已经为明天的攻击做好了装备作出了重大贡献.

RBS 70 ng

Thanks to the fully integrated measuring system, innovative control elements, high-precision reach and non-destructive laser guidance, 我们的地面防空系统(GBAD - ground-based air defense) RBS 70 ng不同于市场上的所有其他系统. Our top-notch system provides a highly flexible, scalable and long-term solution to the ever-evolving requirements of PVOS.


阅读更多: RBS 70 ng

视频- 03:50


Today's ground-based air defence systems are all about mobility, 适应性, networking of different systems and platforms, as well as cost-efficiency, reliability and modularity. MSHORAD is the answer to the new era of the battlefield, it will detect any target, react and strike when time is of the essence.

长颈鹿1 x

短程移动雷达,如亚洲体育博彩平台的经过实战验证的长颈鹿1X雷达,可以定位飞机, helicopters and drones, as well as artillery shells, mortar rounds and rockets simultaneously. The system has a range of 75 kilometers and a detection area of 360 degrees, and in the event of an identified object, 它自动将信息发送到连接的命令和控制系统. Multifunctional, 高性能3D雷达系统长颈鹿1X也使地面防空机动性高,由于其紧凑和重量低于150公斤的低. Mounted on vehicles, the sensor also has a "track on move" mode, enabling real-time monitoring of airspace even when in motion.


阅读更多: 长颈鹿1 x


视频- 02:35

培训 & 模拟

Joint training of allied nations is a key topic among all NATO members. 旅级及以上级别的互操作性训练正在得到更大的关注,以确保有效的训练,并为当前和未来的威胁做好准备. It also enables roles to be changed quickly and flexibly. 作战部队装备了新兴技术,并在日益复杂的战场上作战, under accurate hostile fire, inflicting and taking casualties, in extreme environmental conditions. Whilst there is no substitute for actual combat experience, realism is key to optimize the training experience. 亚洲体育博彩平台的现场训练解决方案提供了真实感和高保真度的数据,以学习最大限度提高战斗力的关键课程.


Saab has been supplying air defense radars for 70 years. The product portfolio consists of 长颈鹿1 x for short-range air defense, “长颈鹿”AMB雷达 and 4长颈鹿 for medium- and long-range air defense. 所有雷达都可以部署在陆地或海上,探测从无人机到高超音速威胁的一切
“长颈鹿”AMB雷达 graded


长颈鹿AMB提供准确的实时空中目标信息,创造行动时间. 其内置的C3系统使其成为多任务传感器和GBAD指挥所的理想组合.

阅读更多: “长颈鹿”AMB雷达


真正的多功能远程长颈鹿4A创造了行动时间,包括空中监视能力, weapon location and ground based air defence.

阅读更多: 4长颈鹿
Combat Vehicle 90

Universal Tank and Anti-空气craft System (UTAAS)

通用坦克和防空系统(UTAAS)是一种用于坦克和战斗车辆的多功能瞄准和火控解决方案. 它提供了对地面目标的高概率交战,以及对高速移动的直升机和飞机.



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